Positive Signs Translation
In an age where accessibility and equality is key for any business, we can translate your English language documents or media into British Sign Language quickly and seamlessly.
As we all know, so often your work-related documents can be difficult to understand and include jargon. We believe Deaf people should have their documents and media accessible in their first language, British Sign Language. We can translate your English documents for your Deaf clients or Deaf staff and make them accessible by translating them into British Sign Language.
We can translate job advertisements, induction materials, work documents, policies and letters, and send a video of the translation back to you.
We can assist you in supplying the translation media to put BSL content on your website so key information is in BSL. This is a major step in Deaf Awareness for any business and unlocks your content to BSL users.
Videos can include closed captions or subtitles, they can also have an accompanying soundtrack or voiceover and be branded to your organisation.
There is a wide range of personalisation and branding opportunities available, with our translation tools. We can walk you through the options, and work with you to create new accessible content that is matched exactly to your requirements.